Andrea Panzera

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When Psychoanalysis Meets Meditation

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Andrea Panzera

Author, Psychoanalyst & Educator

MA Psychoanalysis Clinical
MA Artistic Education: Major in Dance, Movement & Theater
Research field: Social Exclusion & Diversity
Diploma in Family Constellation Theory and Practical
Diploma in Psychology & Social Studies

Andrea Panzera

Andrea is a psychoanalyst, an author, and an educator; her true mission is to assist her clients as much as possible to raise awareness of their own life processes, to transform suffering into a vast possibility for self-evolution, to recognize the mental tricks that promote fears and anxieties, and to help them find a better place of surrender with much peace and harmony. As an academic researcher, she embraces a humanist approach in her psychoanalytical style, creating a secure atmosphere for her clients, characterized by kindness, profound compassion, and comprehension. Nevertheless, she is determined to make a meaningful difference!

Andrea invites you to explore this space, and she’s confident that the “difference” she mentioned earlier will somehow become evident, illuminating your perspective. A warm welcome to you! It would be her pleasure to serve as your psychoanalyst!

Together, with Andrea, you can unravel the intricacies of your emotional mechanism, explore the depths of your complexities, and create a nurturing space for profound understanding. Embark on a transformative process that not only unravels the layers of your psyche but also empowers you to flourish. Let’s collaboratively navigate the terrain of your inner world, fostering self-awareness and paving the way for meaningful self-growth. Your journey to a more enriched and fulfilled life begins here.

Professional Psychoanalyst Register N: 127 333 MP
Member: “SPSIG” & International Psychoanalytical Professional Association CBO – 2515- 50
Federal Board of Medicine Register: 4.048/97 Able to work as a psychoanalyst in Clinical Private, Clinics, Hospitals; Scholar Ambient, Public, and Social Organizations.
Please do not hesitate if you have any questions regarding my qualifications; also below the foot note you will find my confidentiality comittment.

The Evolution of Andrea:

Family Background

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is where Andrea was born. Her mother, Ana Maria Duque Estrada, was a young activist from the left side of politics. She passed away three months after Andrea’s birth. Giovanni Panzera, her father, was a yoga instructor and a pioneer of the macrobiotic movement and culture in Brazil. Andrea’s great-grandfather, João Panzera, was an Italian Theosophical Society teacher in Italy; as a result, she has a strong family heritage based on meditation and a profound inner journey to the soul & spirit, which has been passed down through her family. After a period of hard work, she has finally concluded and obtained her Italian citizenship.

source: Rio-de-janeiro,

Becoming Psychoanalyst-Metapsychoanalysis Manifest0 & the Conscience of Being

When she was nineteen (19) years old, she met OP, her psychoanalyst, and it was an intense meeting that marked the beginning of a profound psychoanalytical journey. This journey had a significant influence on her decision to become a psychoanalyst herself. However, after a good number of years, at a certain stage, she chose to step away from the psychodrama and psychopathologies of their interaction.

This decision was the result of deep observation over about ten (10) years, during which she noticed her longing to study and research deeply psychoanalytical field. This observation became part of her academic research and studies in the field of psychotherapy. She also decided to investigate sessions with other psychoanalysts, and this empirical experience, combined with the support of existing literature, led her to manifest Metapsychoanalysis as an expansion of traditional psychoanalysis.

This expansion involved breaking free from established psychoanalytical paradigms, fostering a new level of self-awareness, and exploring new perspectives on citizenship that advocated for social inclusion and pluralism within the Metapsychoanalytical environment. These perceptions were characterized by a cognitive bias that implied a recognition of the interconnectedness of the universe and a strong belief in the need to harmonize and integrate the “whole” into our understanding of humanity.


Hindu Culture & Gurdjieff Philosophy

She began traveling to India at the age of twenty-two (22) and started learning Kathak dance & Sargam vocals in Pune. Her family’s theosophical influence has gifted her with the opportunity to travel and live in the Orient, and the richness of Hindu philosophy and culture has provided the foundation for her research on gesture and movement. Another significant event occurred when her father gifted her with a Gurdjieff film, titled “Meetings with Remarkable Men,” about the life of Gurdjieff. The Gurdjieff Movement and his philosophy have had a tremendous impact on her personal life and her professional career as a teacher. Life has created a wonderful anthropological and creative framework that has been the heart of her being, in addition to her Brazilian dance heritage. She is delighted and ecstatic to showcase her work and to continue her investigation into our civilizations.

source: Gurdjieff Movement,

The Importance of Empirical Approach

In Ireland and Europe, her work has had a significant impact, taking shape through dance & movement as a catalyst for social, artistic, and humanist initiatives. She has managed to engage with a diverse range of individuals across various segments of society, from the affluent to the destitute, refugees, immigrants, and travelers. Her inclusive approach has extended to people from many different backgrounds, including those with disabilities.

Her role as an Art director and performer at numerous events, festivals, and educational institutions has played a pivotal role in shaping her empirical narrative. She has also taken on the role of a teacher, working with Irish institutions such as VEC (Vocational Education Center) and the Department of Adult Education, demonstrating her dedication to education and skill development.

Furthermore, her collaboration with Irish Social Welfare underscores her commitment to the betterment of society and her recognition of the importance of social support structures.

For more detailed information about her experience and accomplishments, see her CV.

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