Andrea Panzera

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When Psychoanalysis Meets Meditation

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Andrea Panzera

Author, Psychoanalyst & Educator

Become Oceanic

Dive into the World of “Become Oceanic” and Metapsychoanalysis

“Become Oceanic” is not just a phrase; it’s the gateway to a holistic pedagogical program that blends the wisdom of psychoanalysis with innovative perspectives, all while embracing the organic value of the vast oceanic metaphor. This program represents a transformative journey, a synergetic therapeutic narrative that holds the potential to reshape our understanding of self and society.

Unveiling Metapsychoanalysis:

As we venture “Beyond, After, and Behind” the realms of psychoanalysis, we introduce you to a new concept: Metapsychoanalysis. It’s an exploration of the depths within, a quest for self-knowledge that transcends the traditional boundaries of therapeutic approaches. This holistic endeavor has far-reaching implications, not only for personal growth but for our society as a whole. Andrea Panzera is a Master in Psychoanalysis, in her thesis the Academy has recognized the importance of Andrea’ creation and the necessity to innovate within Metapsychoanalytical new approach in psychotherapy holistic pathway & scientific academic research.

A Weapon Against Social Exclusion:

In diverse sociocultural educational contexts, the knowledge gained from Metapsychoanalysis can be a powerful tool to prevent social exclusion. By understanding the intricacies of our social ‘DNA’ and patterns of behavior, we open doors to innovation and updates in our social mechanisms. It’s a proactive approach, rooted in self-awareness, aiming to shape a more inclusive and harmonious future.

The “Become Oceanic” Experience:

Our program, “Become Oceanic,” is designed to empower you with the insights and tools you need to embrace the oceanic metaphor. It’s a transformative journey, a three-month commitment that takes you through the realms of Metapsychoanalysis. Through weekly sessions, we explore, reflect, and unravel the layers of your being, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of self and society.

The Price of Transformation:

This transformative experience is priced at 325.00 Euros for three months, with weekly sessions. We believe in the value of this journey, and we’re committed to making it accessible to those who are ready to embark on this path. Please note that a prior therapeutic approach experience and an appreciation for holistic narratives are recommended, as this enriches the depth of our exploration.

Together We Build:

“We build Togetherness’,” and it’s not just a phrase—it’s our guiding principle. As you delve into the “Become Oceanic” program, you become part of a community that shares a vision of self-discovery, societal harmony, and growth. Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information; we’re genuinely excited to hear from you and explore this transformative journey together.

Prepare to dive deep, explore the unknown, and emerge as a more oceanic, connected, and empowered version of yourself. The world of Metapsychoanalysis awaits.

“Become Oceanic” offers a generous three-month program (24) twenty-four sessions (2) two sessions per week, 60 min – (one hour) each section; an intensive healing process: online or Face-to-face sessions are provided.

Andrea Panzera has created Metapsychoanalysis to break psychoanalytic paradigms, fulfill much love & compassion taught and through the healing and discoveries pathways – Beautiful  & Holistic – she is happy to provide you more information in regarding the creative & innovative layers of self-discovered

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